January 2014, Restoration phase begins
The main aim in restoring the map is to ensure that it becomes a permanent feature in the Borders landscape and an educational resource and visitor attraction for future generations to admire and enjoy. The map is a physical testament to the historical and cultural links between the Scottish and Polish nations in the past, and its restoration expresses a belief in ties continuing in the future.
January 2014. Preparation of the foundation slab for new workshop.
- Laying workshop foundation slabs
- Paving slabs in place for new workshop next to the map
- Cutting branches from a tree over the site for a new workshop
December 2013. Having secured our grant aid we have started on restoration work. Materials and equipment procurement is underway. Rubble and vegetation clearance continues. Repairs and improvement of the original water supply are almost complete.
- Removing an old pipe
- New 160mm pipe section in place
- Landscaping the pipe repair.
- Water intake screens
- Vortex thinks it’s in the southern hemisphere
- Tide rises in the Moray Firth
- Generator for pressure jet, and water tanks
- Your fly’s undone!
- Pressure blasting moss from the surface of the map
- Cleaning map surface
- Men at work
The Scottish National Trail
Scotland’s longest walking route, the 470-mile Scottish National Trail from Kirk Yetholm to Cape Wrath passes very close to the Great Map via the Old Post Road, about ½ mile from the map. A visit to the map forms an ideal lunch break (with bar snacks available at the hotel).
Learn more about the Trail here
Scottish Parliament Motion: 19 September 2012
That the Parliament recognises the historic significance of The Great Polish Map of Scotland in the village of Eddleston in the Scottish Borders, designed and built as a labour of love by a group of young Polish geographers from the Jagellionian University of Krakow in 1975 at the request of General Maczek, former Polish wartime Commander of the 1st Armoured Division, and the war veteran, Jan Tomasik; notes that this commemorates the vital role of Polish forces in the defence of Scotland in the Second World War and is a token of thanks to the people of Scotland for the hospitality and friendship given to the Polish people not only during the war years but also in the decades that followed; considers that this 50 x 40 metre, three-dimensional outdoor 1:10,000 scale model of Scotland, complete with mountains, landscape, flowing rivers, estuaries, coasts and seas located is a remarkable example of topographic landscape modelling of a complete country, with a design and layout involving pioneering survey and construction techniques with dynamic representation of major river basins using a gravity-driven water supply; further congratulates Mapa Scotland, a voluntary group established to protect and restore this unique three dimensional representation, reminding Scots of the historical heritage linking Poland with Scotland, and considers that this project deserves support. Continue reading